My view on design

Ways to view design. We need to look at design in different angles. Expanding our view will open new windows ways can help our audience see other approaches in art. This is a photo I took last week of my rooster with close up to show his face!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tina's Bio

     Going back to college again after many years to me was a huge challenge and a new start fro me in my life. Finding the right direction in my college life has been a really tough part in my years of college. Our economy has changed so much and so has our technology which has really helped me to make a change in my life. So a few years ago I decided to do Graphic Design. Having my close friends to encourage me has really encouraged me to go for my dream. So now learning fro meach other in this class is fun and encouraging to help each other.
   Moving from the dream state to my realaity is my wonderful children who have significant needs and many supports are needed for them. So my everyday life is filled with obstacles each day. Doing design and learning the different aspects helps me to regulate my self from love for art and my reality life.
   My life started out  difficult. I  lost my mom very young but made me strong and to be assertive to me and my choices in life. This picture here represents me in the color of many choices and the indian feather on the right is for the courage I face every day. My eyes and sutle expression gives you an idea of stress and the love I have for the world we live in.
   I now live in a cute little house in a natures palace of wildlife and love to live off my land with gardens, chickens and blueberry bushes. In the next year, I hope gains will be  made to give me and my kids strength to grow. I want them become part of this tough society to be independent in the life they will lead to find their own dreams.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I chose to do my first part on taste!

I chose the Sense of Taste for my project. In my grid I have four Pictures that ulalize what it word represents. I chose sweet, sour, spicy, foul taste. I chose this cause I love cooking so much and is a good challenge for me. I thought these foods and were well represented. The first pictures I took last Summer strawberry picking and the other came from which is a paid subscription.




  Mould taste

This my fifth design using my Strawberry as a base for the design more work needed but here is a start. It looks like a strawberry checkerboard.